Thursday, May 31, 2007

ny times article

New York Times has a great article on marathon runners (thank NM!). Here are some snippets (emphasis mine):
Ms. Winfrey was one of 277,000 marathon finishers nationwide in 1994; last year 410,000 runners crossed the line, according to Running USA, a nonprofit organization in Ventura, Calif., that keeps track of participatory running.

During his training for the Boston Marathon, which he won in 1968, Mr. Burfoot ran twice a day, seven days a week. Emil Zatopek, the great Czech runner who won the 1952 Olympic marathon (along with two other gold medals in the same Games), prepared by running mountain trails near his home in Moravia while carrying his wife, Dana, on his back.

Whether covering as little as 15 miles a week or as many as 100, the primary goal of all marathon programs is the same: to build your endurance to the point where you can cover 26.2 miles. Hence, the common denominator of every program is the weekly or every-other-week “long run” — a slow-paced run that starts at whatever distance you can now complete and, over months, grows longer.

["]You can’t fake marathon training, especially the long runs.”
I want to beat Oprah's timing. I am making all of the trainings. And I am not running with my husband on my back!

1 comment:

Scorps1027 said...

you can do it, chai! you're already keeping up with all the work! slowly but surely, the results will show and you will be able to achieve your goals! so proud of you!