Tuesday, March 18, 2008

gym visit + updates

gym visit

i haven't seen the inside of the gym for at least six weeks. my running, strength training, and gym classes were put on hold for this little thing called the bar exam. it took me about two weeks to build up the motivation to hit the gym again. last week, i ran with my TNT crew. we did interval training and it was tough with a capital t. due to feeling my pain, i was motivated to start up again.

on my three mile gym run, i was inspired to start a work out journal. it'll be my first. i hope to keep it up for at least a year. it'll be a simple journal, just a place to acknowledge my work outs, my weaknesses, my strengths. i started it last night.

this is why i love working out. you get small inspirations to do things with your life that you would never have the courage to do with out the physical, mental, and spiritual coming together in harmony.


i have decided to hold off on the alaska marathon quest with TNT. right now, my life is in flux and i have (surprisingly) a lot on my plate. training for a marathon PLUS raising money is a lot of work. so, i've made the big girl step in stepping down from TNT, in hopes of coming back in summer season.

what does that mean? that means that i will continue to train, probably register for a few half marathons, and strengthen my muscles. around 30 is when women peak in their running, and i want to prepare my body for that peak.

i am registering for the NYC marathon lottery. i am looking for other marathons and hopefully will accomplish seeing two states in the United States via marathoning. :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Back!

Phew. It has been a really long time since we saw each other last. I've been MIA from the running scene. However, that is changing today. I will be running with my running buddies. I am making a schedule and sticking to it. I am excited! My goals this time around is a bit different. I want to run a bit faster. I want to make sure that I am healthy and stronger. I want to find a deeper connection to the cause.

I have signed up for the Alaska Marathon with TNT. I am worried about donor exhaustion. Many friends are doing different money-raising, social cause awareness events. So, I would be tapping into some people who are already donating hundreds.

But, I really want to see Alaska. I want to run for a person I ran for in SF who is no longer with us. I want to run hard. Let's see what happens.

If not in June, I'll keep training. I will also participate in halfs and maybe another marathon (if Alaska does not work). And finally, I will do a fall marathon. Maybe the DC Marine Corps in honor of my honored teammate. Let's see.

So happy to be back!