Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm Back!

Phew. It has been a really long time since we saw each other last. I've been MIA from the running scene. However, that is changing today. I will be running with my running buddies. I am making a schedule and sticking to it. I am excited! My goals this time around is a bit different. I want to run a bit faster. I want to make sure that I am healthy and stronger. I want to find a deeper connection to the cause.

I have signed up for the Alaska Marathon with TNT. I am worried about donor exhaustion. Many friends are doing different money-raising, social cause awareness events. So, I would be tapping into some people who are already donating hundreds.

But, I really want to see Alaska. I want to run for a person I ran for in SF who is no longer with us. I want to run hard. Let's see what happens.

If not in June, I'll keep training. I will also participate in halfs and maybe another marathon (if Alaska does not work). And finally, I will do a fall marathon. Maybe the DC Marine Corps in honor of my honored teammate. Let's see.

So happy to be back!

1 comment:

Fayza said...

No way, for real?!? This is the best news EVER!