Thursday, October 18, 2007

san francisco

i'm looking at a picture i have on my desk. it's a picture i took with my disposable camera while on top of the telegraph hills. the fog had just rolled through and the outskirts of the city looks wrapped around in white cotton. it's a beautiful picture in my mind.

in three days, i'll be running through that city. i'll be with my teammates and other folks from around the country trying to do what a small percentage of us actually accomplish. yesterday, my SIL said, "But a marathon is a huge accomplishment and life goal." it's true. it is a huge accomplishment. however, even if i don't cross the finish line because of an injury or health issues, in my mind, getting to the starting line is all that matters. maybe that is my life motto.

i've never been a great student. i never excelled in any subject or got straight As (or even straight Bs in certain years). but, i did attain my goals of going to a great university, a great public interest law school, and obtaining jobs that don't compromise my passions. i succeed in the minor ways, over looking some of the major things society applauds. i'm more of a battle person than a score card person.

for once in my life, i'm embracing myself and my motto. getting there is not half the battle, it's probably 80% of the battle. once we are there, it just takes a little bit more motivation to get through to the end.

after all that garble, my point is this- i already feel i have accomplished the marathon. i've raised more money than i thought i could, i've met amazing people who have motivated me to keep running and doing what i do, i've seen parts of NYC/NJ that i never would have ventured, and i've met myself at mile 18, my inner child who wants nothing more but to be done. all of that in less than five months.

three days from now, i'm be on the last leg of this wonderful mission.


Scorps1027 said...

I cannot believe your weekend is almost here! I'll be thinking of you this Saturday and I want you to know that what you're doing has now become something bigger than YOU, just one person. It's taken on a spirit of its own that is so strong and determined. I see all these names on the right side and I think of how you connected us all for such a hopeful and inspired cause!

Thank YOU!

Unknown said...

Knew you'd reach your fundraising goal - the old one and the new one! It sounds like you've had an incredible personal journey. You should know that your commitment to this cause has inspired others tremendously as well.

I've been thinking about you all weekend. Can't wait for the update on how the run went!